Save up to 50%* on every shipment and get access to key features, all with your free UPS account.
Open a Free AccountSave Up to 50%* on Every UPS Shipment |
Get Free Shipping Supplies |
Schedule Recurring Pickups |
Ship Now, Pay Later** |
Bill Shipments to Third Parties** |
Get Customized Tracking Dashboard and Shipment History |
Pay by Credit Card and PayPal |
Track Packages Globally |
A UPS account is a free shipping account that allows you to save up to 50%* on every UPS shipment and access additional features, like free shipping supplies, scheduled pickups and much more.
Opening an account is easy and only takes a few minutes. Just answer a few questions and you'll be off and running.
Note: You’ll need to be logged in to your UPS profile. Don't have profile? Not a problem--we'll help you sign up for one prior to opening your account.
You can get started here.
Yes! Creating an account is 100% free. All you need to do is answer a few questions to help us verify your identity.
You can get started here.
No, you don’t need an account to ship with UPS. You can create a one-time shipment and pay each time you ship, no questions asked.
However, with your UPS account you’ll gain access to potential shipping discounts and a more streamlined shipping process with tools like stored payment methods, address books and online billing.
Great question! No, your UPS username and UPS account number aren’t the same.
Your username is your login that will give you access to your customized tracking dashboard and shipment history.
Your account number is a unique six-digit number used to identify your UPS account.
First, open a UPS account and receive your personalized discount. You can start shipping right away, or request a free, 15-minute consultation with a UPS expert here to explore customized solutions for your business.
* Terms and Conditions Apply
** Subject to Eligibility