Discover new paths to sustainability and reliability for the technology industry
Choose integrated logistics for flexible and secure movement of your technology cargo.
Securing a better future through sustainability
Sustainability has become a critical factor for technology companies looking to succeed in the long term and to leave a positive impact on their customers. As the technology sector continues to evolve rapidly, it’s vital for businesses to consider the environmental impact of their products and services and the supply chain deployed in creating them.
Prioritising sustainability is necessary to build a future that is both innovative and environmentally conscious. We caught up with Manuel Olberding, Maersk’s Global Head of Technology Vertical, to explore the importance of sustainability in business and its adoption into logistics strategies.
New paths. New possibilities.
Industry overview
Technology companies are re-examining their value chains to improve resilience and agility. However, they still face challenges as the bottlenecks from the start of the decade persist. Today, a growing number of industry leaders and their lead logistics partners consider digitisation a strategic imperative for supply chains, with 61% of respondents in a recent report mentioning it as a source of competitive advantage.*
*Source: Gartner, April 2022
Along with technology, some distinct themes are providing companies within the industry with pivotal opportunities to grow:
Two key focus areas can help technology companies stay ahead of the curve
Agility to drive growth
- Increasing visibility: A global survey found that visibility was a big challenge for supply chain executives, with only 2% of respondents claiming to have visibility beyond the second tier of their supplier base. Companies need to share critical information through the value chain to tackle uneven demand and enable proactive planning.*
- Accelerating digitalisation: Digitalisation of the supply chain enables companies to address new consumer needs and improve efficiency in reaching their target markets. It can help make technology companies faster, more flexible and more accurate in tackling disruptions.
- Developing omnichannel capabilities: Consumers’ expectations of the shopping experience are changing. For technology companies, failure to offer a multi-channel experience can cause them to lag behind more agile competitors.
- Improving speed and reach: Speed throughout the supply chain can lead to unprecedented gains for technology companies. A fast supply chain has become a competitive advantage, helping boost market share and customer loyalty.
Resilience against current and future challenges
- Strategic sourcing: Recent global research showed that companies increased their inventory during the pandemic more than diversifying their sourcing. However, regionalisation of supply chains was still a top goal, with 90% of companies wanting to implement it over the next 3 years.*
- Collaboration: Despite a rise in transparency, supply chains remain fragmented, with different departments operating on different KPIs. Sharing of information between stakeholders can reduce larger impacts on revenue and help deliver during contingencies.
- Accelerating digitalisation: Technology companies are investing in supply chain analytics and alternate sources to better manage disruptions. These investments can also help lower the cost of raw materials.*
A perfect fit to achieve serious sustainable goals
With the clear sustainability purpose, Electrolux aims to achieve climate neutrality in its operations by 2030 and throughout the value chain by 2050. Electrolux sees a partner in Maersk who also has ambitious commitments to reducing carbon emissions and has signed up for Maersk ECO Delivery to make a difference. Filippo Milanese, Chief Purchasing Officer at Electrolux, reveals three reasons why he thinks Maersk is a perfect fit for Electrolux; and how together they can show end-consumers that they are serious about change and ready to walk the talk on matters of sustainability.
Благодаря миру транспорта и логистики мировая торговля работает как часы, а глобальные цепочки поставок соединяют производителей и поставщиков с потребителями. Этот сложный механизм со множеством колесиков и шестеренок должен всегда исправно работать, чтобы гарантировать доставку товаров из пункта А в пункт Б. Именно по этой причине компания HP с 2010 года тесно сотрудничает с Maersk в целях оптимизации собственных цепочек поставок. Компании HP и Maersk связывают многолетние и доверительные партнерские отношения.
Инновационные технологии, такие как блокчейн и машинное обучение на основе искусственного интеллекта могут нарушать имеющиеся модели цепочек поставок.
Дополнительные предложения
Раскройте полный потенциал вашей цепочки поставок, позволив нам упростить и оптимизировать процесс транспортировки ваших грузов.