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- Phone - See location and phone numbers at the bottom of the page. Call during weekday office hours.
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Support Location/email | Telephone | Languages |
Japan - Tokyo | 3-6825-9910 | Japanese |
Korea - Seoul | 070-4800-1441 | Korean |
Taiwan - Tainan | 06-2382693 | Chinese |
China (Northern) - Shanghai | 86-021-56496412 | Chinese |
China (Southern) - Shenzhen | 86-755-29642189 | Chinese |
China - Hong Kong | 8199-0656 | Chinese |
South Asia - Kuala Lumpur | 6 03 2169 6345 | Chinese, English, Bahasa Malaysia |
If nothing else works email, or call me directly (206) 634-4577
I’ll try to find someone who can help, but it might take a few days. -Bob McNeel