

A formula for sustainability, tailor-made for the chemical industry

The global chemical industry has shifted focus to reducing emissions for a sustainable future. At Maersk, we are committed to partnering with our chemical industry clients in achieving their sustainability goals through innovative supply chain solutions.

In one such collaboration, we equipped UPL, an Indian multinational agrochemical company, to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, waste generation and water consumption over the past few years. With a stake at both ends of the food value chain, UPL is committed to creating a sustainable agricultural network for everyone. Through Maersk ECO Delivery, we provided UPL with end-to-end integrated and sustainable logistic solutions and helped them meet their sustainability goals.

Watch the video to learn how Maersk became a key strategic partner in UPL’s growth story.

沙烏地阿拉伯國家石油公司如何透過馬士基的 4PL 解決方案推動其業務?

沙烏地阿拉伯國家石油公司是世界頂尖的石化公司,其供應鏈遍佈全球。沙烏地阿拉伯國家石油公司希望降低複雜度,以透過更高度的控制和端對端直觀資訊,無縫監控整個供應鏈的物流。該公司與馬士基建立夥伴關係並採用我們的 4PL 解決方案,協助他們最佳化跨地點的庫存管理、獲得關鍵業務見解,加快做出決策、縮短進入關鍵市場的前置時間,並透過持續績效監控來執行正確的改善方案。



疫情對石化供應鏈影響甚鉅。為了進步並克服 2020 年的波動,我們必須分析業界一年來學到的知識,以及我們在 2021 年以後需要做的事。

在「保障石化產業的未來」網路研討會中,我們的專家化學品物流中東地區主管 Henning Malmgren、化學品海洋合約商機產品主管 Henrik Wretensjoe,以及 Tradelens 全球產品經理 Jeffrey Ivinski 共同討論關於 2021 年疫情、挑戰和趨勢的白皮書,並探索有助於您數位化企業的電子提單產品。




我們根據化學品產業客戶有關疫情對物流的影響,以及他們如何因應變化的討論,整理出一份白皮書。馬士基中東化學品主管 Henning Malmgren 在最新的化學品 VLOG 中提出幾項重點,歡迎您從中探索更多資訊。

馬士基中東化學品主管 Henning Malmgren 的 VLOG

Lessons from the pandemic that are influencing strategy in 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted Chemicals supply chains in unexpected ways, highlighting new challenges for our customers. At the centre of every solution we provide are customer needs. That’s why we have quickly taken the first step towards understanding them, by interviewing them and learning about how they have been uniquely affected by this unwavering pandemic.

This whitepaper brings together the key themes from these interviews with added perspective from our regional colleagues, Chemicals team and market research. It uncovers the key areas of focus for Chemicals supply chains in 2021 including the need to accelerate digitalisation, as well as insight into how Maersk was able to adapt and keep customer businesses moving despite land border closures. We expect this white paper to act as a catalyst for conversations in the Chemicals industry that drive evolution in its best practices with respect to supply chain management and logistics services.

The chemical supply chain





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